Thursday, March 30, 2006


Ugh. Sorry gang. I fell asleep again last night in recliner, waking up at midnight to a puddle of drool on my shoulder (which is damn sexy if I do say so myself). What pisses me off the most is that I missed the entire second half of CSI:New York, which is my favorite CSI show of them all. And now I have no idea who hijacked the hospital's helicopter and stole the cooler with the transplant liver. [sigh]

The truth is, I really didn't/don't have anything interesting to blog about anyway. I spent almost all day yesterday online searching for jobs and firing off resumes. I did find a job listing for a Train Car Attendant in the next town over. They run hour-long train rides on the weekends throughout the summer and fall. So I could, possibly, get paid $6 - $10 an hour to help old people and young children get on and off the train on Saturdays and Sundays. Sounds promising, no?

I spent all last night listening to Grace go on... and on... and on... about her field trip today. Her daycare class is going to see a Hercules play at a local university. The thing is, she couldn't care less about the play. See, this is the first field trip she's going on without me. Normally, I go along as a chaperon and so she just drives in the car with me (much to her chagrin). But they don't ask for parent volunteers for this trip, so she gets to ride on the "bus" (actually a school van that they strap the kids' carseats into). She's thrilled. Ahhh... to be young again. But I swear, if I have to hear about that damn bus again, I may have to hurt myself.

But um, yeah. That's about it. See? It's probably good I fell asleep last night. This was some pretty boring shit. LOL! Off to think of something witty, interesting, and/or clever for my Thursday Thirteen. Suggestions are welcomed. ;)


EE said...

IDK, that whole train car attendent position sounds preeeeetty promising.....LMAO

I was going to do "13 things that annoy me" but I'm having a hard time narrowing it down from like 50. PIMP! ;)

Allison said...

LOL EE! That's what I was going to do too (as inspired by my friend, Scully...

I'm still thinking about it. LOL!

Anonymous said...

The doctor doing the transplant was the one who hired the guys to hijack the liver. His wife needed the liver and he felt his patient was unworthy as he was a former alcoholic and his wife was not. :)

Allison said...

THANK YOU PugAngel! Ya know, when they first questioned him, he seemed a bit cocky and suspicious, so I'm really not surprised. So who ended up getting the liver?

Amber said...

Don't worry. As long as it's not the 'short bus' she is excited to ride.
hehehe. oh, I know! I am so juvenile.

Anonymous said...

The original patient :)

Jenn said...

If it makes you feel better, Blaine and I fell alseep during CSI last night, too. The last thing I remember was them fishing in the drain for the bullet.

Jenn said...

If it makes you feel better, Blaine and I both fell asleep during it. I am pretty sure it got Tivo'd. The last thing I remember was them fishing for the bullet in the drain.

Jenn said...

I'm a big ol dork.

Anonymous said...

Best regards from NY! » » »