Thursday, March 16, 2006

Another random post because all forms of creative thinking have left my body and have been replaced by alcohol. Sweet.

* Went apeshit in my kitchen and cleaned every surface in there. (Thank you Magic Eraser, Windex Vinegar, and good ol' fashioned soap and water.)

* So I was craving a salad, but only had two of my usual salad ingredients (lettuce and cheese). So in a total act of desperation, I crumbled potato chips onto my salad in place of croutons. I am well aware of how disgusting that is, but I have to admit, it really wasn't that bad. (AND I managed to make a normally healthy food unhealthy, which is always a goal of mine.)

* Washed the quilt on our bed (but only because a cat had hacked up a hairball on it and I didn't want Steve to know.)

* Received an email from a friend that made me smile. :)

* Was shocked and appalled to find that Honda, the cable company, the electric company, and Verizon all expect me to pay them. And on time no less. What the fuck is that all about? Bastards.

*Watched the premier of "American Inventor" and loved it. Shit. I so didn't need another TV show addiction. [sigh]

* Had to snap into psyeudo "Mom Mode" and act thrilled beyond words (like I do with my 2-year-old) when Steve walked into the house to show me his new "cool hawk's skull" he found in the woods. Seriously dude, put the fucking dead animals away and snap yourself back into the real (adult) world, will ya? For the love of...


Amber said...

You make me laugh.

mamatulip said...

I didn't think I'd be able to stop laughing when I read about the potato chip salad you ate, LMAO, but then I got to the part about Steve's hawk skull. Will that be mounted on particle board and hung proudly in your living room?

Allison said...

Katherine: Yes, right next to the board that holds the turkey feet and tails. [shaking head] Thank god we have the bungalow where he puts all his dead crap. LOL!

Anonymous said...

I HAVE to have croutons on my salads. In the past, when we have been out, I have used cheez-its, goldfish, and yes.......potato chips. :-)

Anonymous said...

Where are you today Alien? Out partying with the Irish??

Allison said...

LOL GB. See? I need that crunchiness factor in my salads too. We're weird.

And no, I'm not out "playing with the Irish". But Steve's home working on our backsplash (and both kids are here too), and I can't let him see how much time I'm normally on the computer. LOL! ;)

Amber said...

LMAO! I do the same thing if Kory is home!

Anonymous said...

Cool blog, interesting information... Keep it UP » »