Thursday, January 19, 2006

Word Bans...

OK. So I've heard the word "panties" about 85 million times over the past three weeks. Now this is no one's fault. It just so happens that I happen to have a lot of friends and online buddies who happen to have children in the 2-3 year range that just happen to be potty training right now.

But every single time I hear that word, I literally cringe. And I do mean literally. Like where I do that little "Ewwww" thing where you wiggle your shoulders up and down and kind of hunker down while shuddering. I despise the word "panties." I'm not even sure why to be honest with you. I just always have. It is THE most offensive word in the English language in my opinion. Call me a cunt. Say the word twat at me. I don't care. Just don't say "panties." Because I will hurt you.

Of course, there's no rhyme or reason for me to feel this way. And of course it's irrational (this is me we're talking about here). But I can't help it.

So I've decided we're all allowed to pick one word we would like to be banned from the English language forever, never to be uttered by ourselves or anyone else as long as we all shall live. So have at it. Post a comment and tell us what word we should stop letting pass from our lips. I know you have one. We all have one...

Now have at it...


Shanna said...

i have 2: bitchin' and phat

Jenn said...


Kim Fernandez said...

Potential (as in: "You're not working to your...")

And panties. I hate that word. It's underwear, people. Scarlet O'Hara's been dead for a loooooong time. Underwear.

Allison said...

LMAO! Scarlet O'Hara! [SNORT!]

Anonymous said...

......but men just love to use the word "panties". It makes us feel young!! Ha ha!

Allison said...

Anonymous: But it's such an icky word. And don't lie... it doesn't make you feel young. It makes you feel "dirty."

Anonymous said...

Ha! Ha! OK, you got me there!!

Tink said...

Moist... *Shudder*

Although "panties" is right up there with it. I can deal with, underwear, undies, or drawers. But not the dreaded "P" word please.

Allison said...

OMG Tink! I know another girl who cringes when she hears the word "moist". You are now the second person on earth that I've met who is bothered by it. LOL!

Kim said...

Mine is Cancer. I despise that word. Everything associated with it is bad. I wish there was another name for it.

Jen said...

We never said "panties" it's always been "pan-nies", you leave the "t" out. It helps alot. Actually, several of us had this discussion on another blog and came to the same conclusion. Even my BIL says it when talking to his daughters about changing their diapers and he's in an entirely different state than the rest of us. It's always been "pannies".,

Much better.

Allison said...

No Jen, that's NOT better. In fact, that may be worse because it sounds like you all have speech impediments. LOL!

Kim Fernandez said...

I refuse to wear anything that ends in -ies. Panties, pasties, any of it. Underwear and bra, ladies. Underwear and bra.

Allison said...

What "C" word, Janet? Say it! Say it! LMAO!

Allison said...

See, and I've always LIKED that word. There's just such power behind it. There's no better way to piss off a chick than to call her that. It's empowering. Embrace it Janet! Embrace it! LOL!

EE said...


I cringe at that word, it's a nasty word that totally grosses me out.

I don't mind the "c" word. LOL

mamatulip said...


EE said...

OMG, Calista NAMED her stuffed anomotronic cat PUSSY and it drives me insane. Every time she says it's name I just cringe and shudder. I keep asking her to change it's name, LMAO

Allison said...

Banister? Katherine, you are SUCH a freak! PIMP!

EE said...

I have another one


It's gross too. I HATE that word.

Anonymous said...

So basically, all the words that guys LOVE to use, are out for you ladies??


EE said...

LOL, yes anon. Hmmm, which may BE the reason I like girls so much better. LMAO ;)

mamatulip said...

I love the word cunt. I love swear words in general...they flow freely out of my mouth. A little too freely, sometimes.

But, I hate that word. I've hated it since I was a little kid. I try to avoid saying it at all costs and when I do have to say it I rush through it or sneeze so I don't have to hear myself say it.

EE said...

But why?!?!? Katherine? What is it about the word you don't like??? LOL

Allison said...

And LOL. I like the word cunt too. But I'm with EE that I really hate the word pussy for some reason. It doesn't offend me per se. I just think it sounds gay. LOL!

Allison said...

Katherine, I don't get it. At all. WHAT about that word bothers you? The way it sounds? How your mouth has to move to say it? Do you hate banisters in general? I'm so freakin' confused. LMAO!

EE said...

Yeah no, pussy doesn't "offend" me, it's just a nasty word and hearing it/thinking it grosses me out!

Tink said...

I love the word, "Pussy!" I got a bit shnockered one night and declared loudly in front of Hoop and a group of friends, "My pussy's huuuuungry." LOL I was making a funny reference to some COP video I saw. But of course no one got it. So now Hoop BEGS me to say it again...and again... He thinks it's hilarious.

Allison said...

LOL Tink. I bet all of Hoop's friends were jealous, thinking, "MY girlfriend doesn't tell me her pussy is hungry, dammit!" LOL!

Anonymous said...

You're not kidding. Any man that reads that is going to be jealous!!

Allison said...

See Tink, you're a hit with the men. Just run around talking about your hungry pussy and you'll be set. ;)

mamatulip said...

I don't know what it is. I remember when I was a kid my mom told me not to hang off of the banister (we had a really long staircase and I loved to slide down the banister) and I repeated the word to myself a million times and decided then and there that it was my most hated word ever. I don't like the way it sounds. Banister. Banister. Banister. I'm saying it out loud as I type it and I am shuddering. Ugh.

(Holy fuckin' fuck, this is the slowest laptop known to MAN.)

Emily said...

Shlong...dong....any word meant to refer to a man's genitals that rhymes with "wrong" just REALLY bothers me to no end.....

Any other name for it is fine by me.

Carrie said...


Blech, it makes my skin crawl.

And moist pussy is even worse. LOL!

EE said...


"moist pussy"

ick ick ick ick