Sunday, January 15, 2006

Sunday, January 15, 2006

"On a bad day, I have mood swings - but on a good day, I have the whole mood playground." ~Charles Rosenblum

I am officially declaring today as "The Day of the Mood Swings". Dear Lord. We had so many ups and downs today in this house that I'm suffering from motion sickness. I'm really tired, so forgive my lack of detail. But between The Great Grout Fiasco/Finger Pointing Episodes that took place throughout the day, the Steelers game (Oh my GOD, did that game kick ass or what?!), my PMS, the girls going from acting like angels to Satan himself in 2.5 seconds and then back again throughout the day, my mom's cat dying (how come it's never ours?), Hannah going from making it to the potty with no problems, to deciding to pee on the floor three times in one hour, and the whole passive aggressive stance I took with Steve over a stupid salad and a mini-loaf of bread, I'm surprised I'm still sober.

But who cares that Steve is having serious issues with the tile grout (and I'll probably hear about it the rest of my life). Or that I'm unemployed and NEED to find a job in the next few weeks (although days would be better). Or that I refuse to get a full time job outside the house again (which is totally complicating that whole job search thing). Or that I think Steve should just know when I say "no" but really mean "yes". (I mean, isn't that what married couples do, for the love of god...) None of that matters tonight. And I literally mean none of it. Because I just keep telling myself that tomorrow the cabinets are coming and will start to be installed. That's really all that matters in my life right now and I'm not ashamed to admit that...

(Oh, and the wind was still CRAZY today and with the wind chill, it was -7 degrees. Frankly, that pisses me off...)


Emily said...


Long days suck ass...


Allison said...

LOL! Aw crap guys, it really wasn't a LONG day... just emotional. LMAO! But I truly do appreciate the hugs. I just went up and down the emotional roller coaster a few too many times today. STUPID PMS!!!!

And lets settle down girls... the kitchen is STARTING to come tomorrow. LOL! We'll still have a ton of stuff to wait for, buy, install, and fight over before the whole project is done. ;) But at least I'll get to walk past and see a few cabinets. It'll give me a slight glimmer of hope... ;)

Allison said...

Surely you jest Janet. Do you HONESTLY believe that Beyond Anal-Retentive Steve is going to allow me to put anything in the cabinets before the countertops are in? Yeah, RIGHT! LMAO! In fact, the other week he told me he didn't want me "using" the kitchen until he had all the trim work (moulding) up too. I told him he's smoking crack. I understand waiting until the countertops are in. But the TRIMWORK? Freak.

But it will still be awhile. The electrician has to come back and switch our entire house from an old fuse box to circuit breakers before we'll have power in the kitchen. It's a big project and god only knows when we'll get the guy here. But staring at the cabinets will hold me over for awhile. ;)

mamatulip said...

Here's hoping the cabinet installers are all buff and hot. So not only do you get cabinets, but you get to ogle hot cabinet installers.

Mary said...

YAY for cabinets!!!

And hopefully you rememberd to watch Grey's Anatomy to have a good end to the night since ya didn't get any...

Autumn said...

(((Alien))) Maybe it was so windy beca8se Mother Nature read your quote of the day yesterday.

Allison said...

Janet: Truth is, all of the stuff is boxed up from when we gutted the first kitchen. It all needs to be washed up before being put away and there's no way in hell I'm washing it all by hand, so I'd wait until the dishwasher was in anyway. LOL!

Katherine: There's only one cabinet guy. I think Randy (the designer) is coming today too for a bit and he's older. Not ugly, but not hot. Steve has seen the cabinet installer (Dennis) on job sites and although he's never commented on his looks, he has said he's a real quiet guy. So I'm imagining I won't be ogling anyone. LMAO!

Mary: Yup. I watched Grey's Anatomy. LOVE that show!

Scully: I bet that was it. LOL!

Renfield said...

((Alien)) Sorry you had the Rollercoaster of Moods at your house today.

The Steelers game ROCKED!!! I am so happy that Indy got shut down. On the other hand, I am STILL pissed about my Bears.

I'm so excited for you today. THE CABINETS ARE COMING!!! YAY!!!!

Allison said...

It was actually kind of funny. My mom called RIGHT when the Steelers shut down Indy and got the ball on the 2 yard line, which everyone assumed meant a win. So RIGHT as she's saying, "Annie died," (her cat), the Bus fumbled and my mom was like, "Oh my god! What an idiot!" LMAO! I was like, "Sorry about Annie, but why the HELL are you calling me at the end of the game?" PIMP!

Renfield said...

Well, Alex, the little shit, decided he was going to cheer for the Panthers (because they are kitties) so EVERY SINGLE TIME they scored or got a turnover he was completely obnoxious. I thought Bill was going to strangle him.

Jen said...

I feel your pain. Today I feel like if my dog should jump through the sliding glass door after a squirrel, I'll jump too!

As for tile grout...after a year or two of spills, sweeping, mopping and generally tracking dirt all over the floor it's all gonna look the same color, anyway- dirty. I used to clean house for a client who was so paranoid about having her grout perfectly white that she was always buying harsh cleaners, brushes, etc... and making me clean it all on my hands and knees- it never worked.

Tink said...

I think we rode on the same emotional rollercoaster yesterday. Did the sign say, "You must have THIS much overactive hormones to ride?" Hope your morning is going better! I'm self medicating with Dove Truffles.

Allison said...

Jen, the tile grout is actually charcoal gray, so it won't really show dirt. The "issue" is that we SWEAR we ordered a dark gray (almost black) and the grout we used turned a medium gray when it dried. It still looks fine, but Steve keeps bitching about it. I think he's over it now this morning though.

Kimmykay said...

I swear I would give my kids (Georgia and Charlotte to be exact... but Catherine is up there recently too) prozac if I could. I'll hear them laughing and playing then on a dime they are killing each other over a leaf. FOR the LOVE of all that is holy, we have tons in our yard.

Anyway, I feel for you.

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