Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Highlights and Observations of the Day (Wednesday)...

1) 1:00 AM: Finally made myself go to bed.

2) 1:30 AM: Grace wakes me, telling me she just peed in bed. (Keep in mind her bed is also my bed. *sigh*).

3) Ate about 10 store-bought, soft as all hell sugar cookies for breakfast. Niiiice.

4) Ate more BK chicken fries for lunch. [blush] But I was starving!... And BK is right next to the grocery store where I had just been!.... And it was on my way home!.... And... and...

5) Had a small atomic bomb come flying out of my ass in the bathroom about an hour after eating them.

6) I swear I think I found God while sitting on that toilet. Holy.....

7) Laughed at a poor friend of mine who had her crotch examined and then got pulled over and given a sobriety test afterwards. Sorry Sunshine, but it is funny whether you want to admit it or not.

8) Had a girl who was all of about 22-years-old call me "Hon." Only people older than you and people who want to screw you call you Hon. So she's either 45 and has a really good plastic surgeon, or she did, indeed want to screw me. I should find her again tomorrow...

9) Finished my book. It was pretty good. Getting ready to start another one.

10) Was called "street smart" in a poll. I almost pissed myself laughing. Street smart? ME? Yeah, maybe if we're talking about Sesame Street...

11) Realized I have beepaphobia. Whenever I swipe my credit/debit card while making a purchase, I freak out when it beeps because I just know it's going to say it's denied. Oh, the humiliation...

12) Had a beepaphobia attack at Giant grocery store, and was relieved to see the little screen just said "Processing..." and then "Approved".

13) Told the cashier about my fear and she looked at me like I was fucking retarded.

14) Left the store wondering if I am fucking retarded.

15) And finally, a note to Steve:
  1. Use the last ice cube in the tray.
  2. Fill the now empty ice cube tray with water.
  3. Return ice cube tray to freezer.

Is that sooooo fucking hard? Dammit to hell!!!


EE said...

I seriously just PIMP at you saying you were "street smart" on Sesame Street!

And hey, the ice cube tray thing. It has GOT to be guy thing, Doug does it ALL THE FLIPPING time. Drives me insane. Ugh!

Allison said...

Well, what jacks me off is that I never ice cubes. Maybe one or two ice cubes once a week. But I just walked into our makeshift "kitchen" and saw three empty ice cube trays stacked there. Like, DUDE, FILL THEM YOURSELF! I DON'T USE THEM!!!!!!!

Allison said...

Sorry. The above comment should read "I never use ice cubes". *sigh*

Mary said...

So just don't fill them up. Be evil. That's what I'd do.

Allison said...

But they bother me even more just sitting there. And um, it's not like I have a job or anything, so I suppose I really shouldn't bitch about ice cube trays. But it's aggrevating. LOL!

Mary said...

yeh I don't have a job either, but I'm still a evil and don't fill up the ice cube trays if they are left empty. It's 3 steps to the sink from the freezer, Tom can do that if he wants.

Allison said...

LOL! Yeah, I see what you're saying. For us right now, it *is* a PITA to fill them b/c we have to walk over to the bathroom and then balance them across the downstairs of the house to put them back in the freezer. And he did clean up the entire pig roast mess. *sigh* Yeah. I guess I should just fill 'em, huh? LOL!

Emily said...

Pee in're in the bathroom anyway, right?

Mary said...

Good idea EE!! Lemonade ice cubes

Uh why don't you just use the water cooler??? Since you drink water from the WC, don't you want the 'cubes from the WC too?

Allison said...

Pssst! "Emily" is actually EMILY, not EE. LOL!

And yeah, that's normally what we do. But we fill the WC with water from the natural spring in the next town and it's dry right now b/c of lack of rain. :(

Emily said...

I am not nearly hot enough to be EE...she has the rack...

Anonymous said...

#7 is SO not funny. Seriously. Roadside sobreity and they searched my car.

Very much the opposite of funny.

Allison said...

It is funny! And one day, you'll see that too. =)

Mary said...

Okay just because I can't keep 2 skinny hot chicks with the starting name Emily apart...sigh. Okay.

Emily that's a great idea! lemonade ice cubes. haha

Anonymous said...

For Steve's sake ( and yours) I hope the new fridge you're paying ten million dollars for has a built in icemaker!

Anonymous said...

Exactly what I was thinking Dawn!

And Alien...since you won't do recaps anymore this is the next best thing....these make me LOL...
thanks hon!


oh, and glad the roast was good, now I'll actually have to try it...but that still entails me digging out the crockpot, checking to see if it was recalled and then thawing the roast....maybe next week...;-)

Allison said...

Dear Dawn and TJ...

We are sooo not spending a lot on our appliances. LOL! Appliances are something that eventually need to be replaced, so I refuse to spend buttloads of money on them.

And actually, I actually argued against an ice maker originally, but Steve convinced me otherwise. LOL!

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed a lot! » »