Friday, October 14, 2005

Highlights of the Day (Friday 10.14.2005)

1) Woke up and immediately checked my bank account online to find that I did, indeed, finally get paid. My day was instantly good.

2)Paid a few bills online and ordered the girls a bunch of clothing before Hannah even woke up. Money is good.

3) Threw the girls in the car and went to WalMart.

4) Was mortified when we walked past the bra department and Hannah pointed at them and yelled, "You have boobies at home, Mommy!"

5) Was thrilled to find Grace a pair of jeans that fit. It wasn't until I got home that I looked at the tag and saw that it said "Capris." Oh well, You can't tell and until the child's waist size starts to match the average height of a child that wears that waist size, we'll take what we can get.

6) Went across the street to PayLess where the girls each got a new pair of shoes and I got 2 pairs.

7) Realized at that point that I may be going a little hog wild with the paycheck.

8) Took the girls to McDonald's for lunch. Feeling brave, I actually took them into McDonald's instead of going through the drive-thru like I normally do.

9) Was pleasantly surprised at their behavior (and appetites) and thought, "Hey, this isn't so bad."

10) Decided my initial instinct was right was Hannah started yelling at the top of her lungs... "STINKY BUTT! STINKY BUTT! YOU'VE GOT A STINKY BUTT!", which sent Grace into a laughing fit.

11) Wanted to yell at her so badly, but really couldn't do anything but laugh as I saw the old man next to us start chuckling.

12) Wondered if perhaps they weren't as well-behaved as I thought when the guy said, "Wow. It looks like you have your hands full," with a smile. I wanted to say, "Ya think? I kind of think they're being pretty good today." LOL!

13) Took Grace to gymnastics where Fatigue Man from last week looked at me and said, "No price tags on your pants tonight?" Yeah. Real funny dude. Thanks for remembering. (Actually, it was funny, but still...)

14) Was annoyed when I got Long John Silver's takeout for Steve and I after gymnastics class and when I got it home, Grace ate over half of mine. I had asked her if she wanted anything and she had said no. What is with these kids eating my damn food all the time?

15) Was pleasantly surprised when all other people in the house were asleep by 8:30 PM. I must've done something right today.

16) Was thrilled when my mother-in-law called and said Steve and I can drive with them to the wedding and reception tomorrow, meaning he and I don't have to argue about who's staying sober and driving us home.


mamatulip said...

LOL. I asked Julia today if she wanted lunch. She wanted cereal. I made a sandwich and some rice and she ate almost all of it. Dammit.

Allison said...

Little shits. ;)

EE said...

OMG....everyone asleep by 8:30?! Did ya drug them? I want to know your secret, lol! I can not even *fathom* that. Woo Hoo for you!

And yay for money! I get pd once a month too and when I do I usually go way overobard bc I'm so stoked to finally have some damn money! LOL!

mamatulip said...

Dude, I forgot to mention that I choked really hard on my coffee this morning when I saw that pic of Washington at the top. It totally reminded me of that part in Dazed and Confused where Slater's going on about Mrs. Washington and how she had a big bowl packed and ready when George got home at the end of the day, and he was like, "She was a hip, hip lady." LMAO.

Just had to share that.