Thursday, October 06, 2005

Today's X-rated Email...

Want to find somebody to have se-x with right now? Find a female (or male) friend that just wants to f-uck! There are also a few who want a serious relationship though. So if you want a long-termer, or a one-nighter, you got it ;) Whatever floats your boat pretty much!

Someone really thinks I want/need to get laid, huh?


EE said...

LMAO!!! I don't get near as good of email as you get. I think I might be jealous!

And also wondering what they know about you that we apparently *don't* ;)

Kim Fernandez said...

Are you sure Steve isn't emailing you just for kicks? LOL!

Allison said...

LOL! Well Kim, I would think that if Steve had any clue how to get on a computer and email people. LMAO! Ahhh... my little computer-illiterate husband....

EE said...

Yes, lucky you w/ your little computer-illiterate husband....if only we ALL could be so lucky.

LMAO! ;)

Anonymous said...

Very nice site! » » »