Thursday, October 13, 2005

Highlights of the Day (Thursday 10.13.2005)

1) Woke up and was simultaneously excited and annoyed the electrician was coming.

2) Sat around on my butt for two hours this morning and then ran around like a crazy lady cleaning up before the electrician arrived.

3) Remembered having quite, um, "erotic" dreams last night about Sawyer from "Lost".

4) Wasn't sure if that was pathetic or a sign of my healthy libido. Probably a little of both...

5) Had to send the newly found Pooh turtleneck to school with Hannah so she could put it on at Grandma's house after they get home from daycare. (It was a compromise because she wanted to wear it to school after wearing it all day yesterday and to bed last night. [sigh])

6) Congratulated myself that I remembered today was show and tell day as my mom was pulling out of the driveway, and managed to stop them and hand Grace the Halloween book she was supposed to take. Yay me!

7) Knew the electrician and I were going to get along just fine when within 10 minutes of meeting me, made reference to some guy being a "fucking asshole."

8) Was totally bummed out when we were looking at the final designs with the new changes and I realized the designer has taken out the beloved appliance garage I was so looking forward to.

9) Blamed Steve for #8 because HE wanted the cabinet above it changed from a lazy susan to just standard shelves and the designer must have misunderstood and took out the appliance garage too. [heavy sigh]

10) Realized I have absolutely no evidence to back up #9, but it sounds like something I can throw in his face later, so I'm going to run with it.

11) Sat here at my computer most of the day because I didn't want to just sit around while the electrician worked, and I also didn't want to eat in front of him since I had nothing to really offer him.

12) Squeezed my butt cheeks together for about 2 hours, waiting for the electrician to leave so I could um, "do my business". There's no WAY he wouldn't have heard me in the bathroom, so I just waited it out.

13) Realized I was probably causing permanent intestinal damage, but I didn't care. The electrician does not need to hear me fart. LOL!

14) Had a beer with my mini raviolis at lunchtime because there was absolutely nothing else here to drink.

15) Stood and ate about 7 spoonfuls of grape Kool-Aid powder out of the container. I'd tell you why I did it, but I'm still not sure myself. It was good though...

16) That means my total food intake for today was: two TastyKakes (cupcakes), 2 Reese's PB cups, 2 KitKats, a tiny can of mini Raviolis, 2 frozen waffles, and beer. Yup. I'm going to live to be 100.

17) Realized that Hannah's Terrible Two's had reached epic proportions when she took a bite of a KitKat and had a complete meltdown because (and I quote), "My chocolate is too loud! WAHHHH!" [rolling eyes]


Mary said...

(((your ass))) that would suck having to hold it in for 2 hours.

geenalyn said...

btdt on the ass thing...and the not eating when company is over...

mamatulip said...

You and I have the nutrition ambition down pat, dude. I eat so, so much crap. LOL.

geenalyn said...

hey i ate half of an apple pie last told myself the apples made it healthy...

mamatulip said...

LOL! I thought of Hannah and her loud chocolate tonight while we were eating dinner. When asked if she was going to finish eating her grilled cheese, Julia said, "No. I'm too old."

Allison said...

LMAO Katherine! I think Hannah was just surprised to see that chocolate could be crunchy. It freaked her out. PIMP!

Janet, I'm sure I could *probably* get the appliance garage put back in, but that would up the price a bit again. And I just told the electrician to put a cable connection there instead so we'll put a TV where the "garage" was supposed to originally go. LOL!

mamatulip said...

OMFG, a TV in the kitchen. With cable. I am so jealous. I have always wanted a TV in my kitchen. ALWAYS.

Allison said...

Amen sister! I am sooo sick of food being eaten (by the girls) all over the damn house (not that they have a choice right now). I'm tired of crumbs and spilled drinks and all the cleanup that goes along with it. So I figure if there's a TV in there, we can just all hang out in there while they're eating dinner or snacks or whatever. And I can hang out at the island and drink my coffee and eat breakfast while I watch TV in the morning. Ahhh... heaven.