Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Fun with Bathtub Crayons...

They wanted goatees like Daddy. ;)


mamatulip said...


I am crying. Seriously dude. Crying.

Grace's unibrow in the last picture is killing me. And Hannah's expression is cracking me up. OMG. Your kids fucking RULE.

Allison said...

LMFAO! OMG Katherine, doesn't Hannah look petrified in that last picture? ROFLMAO!

And as for Grace in that one. With the exception of the crayon on her nose, she really DOES look like Steve in that picture. LOL! OK, so Steve doesn't have a unibrow, but god knows he's not really lacking in the eyebrow hair department...

mamatulip said...

She totally DOES look like Steve. I was all sorts of snorting when I saw that picture.

geenalyn said...

OMG HYSTERICAL!! Love the goatees....hannah looks fab with one :)

Tink said...

LMAO. Those are fantastic! I love love love the unibrow. Why aren't unibrows that cute in real life?

EE said...

LMAO! That is hysterical. What IS up w/ Hannah's expression?! She looks like a deer caught in headlights. I seriously LOL at how much they DO look like Steve!

Emily said...

OMG, it IS him!!!


Kim said...

OMG! PIMP! They are adorable!

jeanne_bean said...

LMAO! They do look just like your DH with their goatees.