Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Conversation with Grace (AKA: Ask Me Again Why I Drink. I Dare You.)

Me: (after telling the girls 8 billion times to clean up their stuff) "Get in here and clean up this playroom! NOW!"

Grace (whining): "You said to clean up the make up. I did that already."

Me: "No! I said all of this stuff."

(Several minutes pass with me threatening to send her to her room (which she hates) and she keeps telling me she's not going to clean up and she doesn't care what I say. I eventually win and she's cleaning up her legos.)

Me (half talking to myself and half bitching at no one in particular): "I'm tired of cleaning up after you guys. I clean up all day long and then you guys make another mess and I have to clean it up again because you don't. I'm sick of it."

Grace (with a tone that implied I'm the dumbest human being on the planet): "Well DUH, Mom! We're kids." (Complete with eye roll.)

Me: "Yeah. So?"

Grace: "Well, duh... kids know how to make messes, not clean them up."

Me (laughing so hard I'm crying): "Grace, you suck."


jeanne_bean said...

Outwitted again! LOL!

mamatulip said...

You can't win with her, eh?

Anonymous said...

I had to tell Rachel yesterday at her tumbling class that "Just because I'm laughing, doesn't mean I'm not mad".

Somehow it doesn't have that same Fear of God tone that my mother always managed.

EE said...


OMG, I do that too, ALL THE TIME.......

"(half talking to myself and half bitching at no one in particular): "I'm tired of cleaning up after you guys. I clean up all day long and then you guys make another mess and I have to clean it up again because you don't. I'm sick of it."

Shanna said...

that was my day yesterday!! completely! "jerrett get in here and clean this up, now!" "no mom! it's too big of a mess. we'll do it tomorrow" get mad, threaten no times and to set the timer. eventually clean up half the mess. "we'll do it tomorrow jerrett" I gave in.

Anonymous said...

Cool guestbook, interesting information... Keep it UP

Anonymous said...

Best regards from NY!
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