Sunday, February 12, 2006

Busy, busy weekend... All sorts of errand running yesterday morning.... Writing out 50+ Valentine's Day cards for daycare kids... Birthday party at McDonald's yesterday afternoon... Trip to the video store... Watching "Wedding Crashers" (funny as HELL by the way)... Up until 2:00 AM reading... Paying the price today... Finishing the book this afternoon... Snow play... Sledding... Cleaning... Grocery shopping... Playing... Starting a new book... Baths... and trying desperately to stay awake until bedtime tonight... Zzzzzz........


mamatulip said...

Did you finally finish the book that I see has mysteriously disappeared from your sidebar?

mamatulip said...

Ah, I scrolled down. Is that the book you stayed up all night reading?

Mrs. G.F. said...

I hate those blurry, hazy just get through the day to get to bed days...

Almost over!!

EE said...

Oh we have Wedding Crashers! I'm dying to get a chance to watch it. Stupid being sick got in the way, lol.

Miss you while you are running around being busy. :)

Anonymous said...

Very cool design! Useful information. Go on! »

Anonymous said...

Excellent, love it! » » »