Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Life with Grace...

Conversation with Grace This Evening...

Me [laughing]: Hey, Grace! Guess what Hannah said today. She said when she grows up, she's going to be a baby doll! Isn't that funny?

Grace [not even looking up from her coloring book]: Yeah. I told her that the other day. I think she believes me.

Nice Grace. Real nice.


Grace's Day at Daycare, as told to Grandma by Grace's Teacher...

Grace walks over to Miss Christina, her teacher, and says, "Now don't yell at me, and don't get all excited or anything. I'll clean it up myself. But I just wanted to let you know I spilled my yogurt."



EE said...

LOL at Grace!!!

mamatulip said...

LMAO! "Don't get all excited or anything..." She cracks me up.

Lisa said...

Grace is great. Um, I wonder where she gets this from.

Allison said...

LOL! Her dad. ;)

Kim said...

Go Gracie! I swear that you need a video camera to tape all of these antics from the girls so we can see!