Saturday, November 26, 2005

Hey gang. I'm alive. Just busy as hell...

Thanksgiving was nice. Grace wouldn't sit still at the restaurant (which I had expected), and both girls were demons at my FIL's house and I spent the whole evening yelling at them. But they looked cute. ;)

Since then, we've been busy as hell. Steve sanded all the drywall in the kitchen yesterday. Despite all of his efforts, the fine dust seeped through cracks and my entire friggin' downstairs was covered with it. So while he spent the entire day sanding, I spent the entire day cleaning. What really sucked is that I had just spent hours cleaning before he started sanding, never expecting to have to do it all over again a few hours later. [sigh]

Today we're picking up the tile and hopefully, I'll be getting a coat of primer on everything. Busy, busy, busy!


Mary said...

Does this mean that you actually picked out a wall color?!?!?

Allison said...

LOL Mary. No. It means I've picked the primer. ROLFMAO! Paint color choice and actual painting to be done next week. Ugh. I still have no idea what color to use. [sigh]

Mary said...

Well I know, but usually you have your paint color in mind if you are picking your primer since it'll have some bearing (or so I thought...)

Allison said...

Nooo... that's how normal people do it. I, my friend, do no such thing. LMAO!

mamatulip said...

Do you have any idea what colour you want to paint your kitchen?

Allison said...

Not really Katherine. LOL! I'll post some pics of the tiles and countertops on the board later and ask for suggestions. I have NO clue what would look good.

Allison said...

(Where's hottie Doug Wilson when you need him? Huh?)

mamatulip said...

OMG dude, I was watching "Moving Up" last night and I came to realize how truly hot he is.

EE said...

Ok first of all. Katherine, trying out new avatars are ya? LMAO. I'm scrolling down and every time it's different.

EE said...

Second, Alien- your girlies looked very cute. I LOL at the one w/ the bear strategically places bwtn the two girls. I'm assuming that was Grace. Crack me up.

And OMG, drywall dust *sucks*. That stuff gets EVERYWHERE no matter how careful you try to be or how well you block off the area. Ugh.

Congrats on more baby steps twds your kitchen!

mamatulip said...

Yeah. I couldn't decide between the typewriter and the woman. I think I like the woman better.

Allison said...

LOL EE. Actually, I put the bear there. But only b/c Grace wanted to hold it, and I wanted to see her cute little outfit in the picture (LOL), so I told her the bear would "stand" between the two of them. LMAO!

EE said...

Katherine, I like the woman better too.

Alien- I was guessing it was Grace bc in the last picture she was holding it. LOL

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That's a great story. Waiting for more. » »

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