Sunday, December 18, 2005

Open letter to my mother-in-law...

Dear Sandy,

Steve does not wear "nice" flannel shirts. Every year, before his birthday and/or Christmas, you tell me how you've bought him a "beautiful flannel" from the likes of some department store. Every year I cringe. Steve wears flannels when he works pouring concrete. Or when he goes outside to plow the driveway. Or when he hunts. He does NOT wear them "for nice" to go out in public. So for the love of god, PLEASE stop spending $20+ on these "beautiful" garments and instead, spend $5.00 on a cheapo one at WalMart and give us the extra $15 in cash. Please.

Steve and Allison


mamatulip said...

LOL at "beautiful flannel." That cracks me up.

Allison said...

Yeah. I have to stifle my laughter every year when she says it to me. Then I go home and tell Steve and we laugh at her together, behind her back. :)