Thursday, December 29, 2005

Effing puzzle...

Well, I got into an altercation with one of my daughter's heavy wooden puzzles and I seem to have broken (at least) one of my toes. Literally. I can barely walk. So I drank some wine and I'm heading to bed. G'night. [sigh]


mamatulip said...

Dude. That sucks ass. I broke a toe a long time ago and it was very, very painful. Hope the wine takes the edge off.

Emily said...


Prop up your foot, ice it, and take Advil....and make everyone take care of you!

Renfield said...

Look at that - Janet feels so bad for you she posted twice! LOL!

Hope you are up and about today and it doesn't hurt as much. Poor piggies!!

Anonymous said...

best regards, nice info » »