Friday, September 16, 2005

Highlights and Observations of My Day (Friday)

1) Got some cleaning done this morning. Yay.

2) Steve started installing the new window in the kitchen.

3) Was relieved when Hannah was napping at the time I had a phone meeting with my project manager at work, and Grace was busy "helping" Steve with the window.

4) Mouthed every curse word known to man when Steve quietly told me he was leaving to go buy wood while I was still on the phone with my manager, leaving me with a cranky 4-year-old and an about-to-wake-up 2-year-old. Stupid fucker.

5) Things I Said to My Children Today:
  • Don't play with the drill.
  • Get away from the electric saw.
  • No, I will not hold the nail for you while you hammer it into a board.
  • Stop licking my windshield.
  • Don't sit on the windshield wipers. You'll break them.
  • Don't stick your finger up your sister's nose.
  • Don't eat sand.
  • Stop kicking the neighbor.
  • Get some clothing on! We do not play outside naked.

6) Confirmed my belief that my children do indeed take after their father.

7) Watched Grace eat a popsicle that couldn't have looked more like a penis if it had balls.

8) Decided Gene Simmons really should've quit while he was ahead.

9) Jon Bon Jovi is hot.