Monday, September 19, 2005

Highlights and Observations of My Day (Monday)

1) Was up from 2:30 AM until 4:30 AM with Hannah, whom apparently decided last night that cribs are the work of the devil.

2) Sent Grace downstairs to watch TV this morning by herself for the first time ever because I swear if I had had to actually get up at 6:30 AM when she woke me, I would've died.

3) Was relieved when 20 minutes later, she came back up and just hung out in her room with me until I woke up.

4) Went to the park and made our traditional walk to the corner store for penny candy (5 purple Swedish fish and 5 red ones for each girl, a $0.25 juice for each one, and 2 gummy worms for Grace). As much as I sometimes bitch in my head when they beg to go there (because I'm lazy like that), I adore the time when we sit at the table in front of the store and just hang out and talk while they eat their loot.

5) Came home and helped the girls paint a billion pieces of uncooked flower-shaped pasta so we could make bracelets. Move over Martha... Allison's in town.

6) Had a wonderful afternoon playing outside with Grace while Hannah was napping. I love days when she's not a typical 4-year-old lemme tell ya...

7) Was bummed when I got a call that Grace's Saturday morning gymnastics class is being cancelled due to lack of participants and I had to either pull her out completely or start going to the class on Friday evenings from 5:00 to 6:00. I'm not too pleased with the time, but she likes it too much for me to just pull her out. Dammit...

8) Finally received our insurance cards in the mail. Must... make... appointments... for... girls'... annual... checkups....

9) Once again, got turned on by the dude in "Prison Break" this evening. Yummmm....

10) My four-year-old told me my ass is fat (not those exact words). Yup. Thanks Sunshine. I love you too...


Allison said...

LOVE that show! I've got Steve hooked now too. LOL!

mamatulip said...

So Grace ate Snakey this time? LOL.

When I was pregnant with Oliver I used to bring Julia downstairs and crash on the couch while she watched TV for a looong time. I just couldn't stay awake. God Bless the television.

Lisa said...

Dylan is going through an "up at all hours of the night" phase also. I keep telling him to save it, he's going to need it in college.

Allison said...

LOL! Katherine. No, no, no. Snakey was literally a 2-foot long gummy snake. The gummy worms she gets at the corner store, are actually worm-sized. ;)

Allison said...


LOL! Seriously. Pull the all nighters a few years from now kiddos. ;)