Friday, April 21, 2006

Conversation with Hannah....

Now keep in mind that Hannah is all of 2 years old. Granted, she'll be three in 2 months, but still...

We were looking at one of Grace's MANY science books for kids (which she loves) and came upon a page that showed drawings of a baby growing inside a mother's womb. I explained to the girls that that's how babies grow. That they start out small and grow bigger and bigger inside until the mommy pushes them out.

Hannah looks at me DEAD SERIOUS, with a straight face and no grimace what-so-ever, and says, "I remember I didn't like your belly because it was all dark and fat."

Um, what? LOL! Now keep in mind that I had made NO mention of it being dark in there. I couldn't stop laughing because I swear to god she said it as if she truly remembers being in there as if it was yesterday.

She then followed it up with, "But I DID like that when I pooped, it was too dark to see it." What... the... hell?

Oy. These kids are going to be the death of me, I swear to god...