Sunday, January 13, 2008

I really am worthless...

LOL! After last night's late night guests, I don't have much to blog about today. Grace was exhausted. Hannah was exhausted. I was exhausted. And yet, we managed to plow through the day with no one napping, Grace going to her first day of her winter (indoor) soccer league, Steve hunting all day, and me ready to pass the hell out. LOL!

The girls (like usual) are at my mom's for the night, Steve and I ordered some wings to watch the football games, and as much as I'm tired, I feel the need to stay awake. (Seriously... does anyone know the name of some good counselors? LOL!)

Here's my photo for Project 365 today. Hannah, dressed in a dress-up dress complete with hoopskirt, walking around like it's nothing unusual. God, I love that kid.


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