Thursday, December 28, 2006

Open Letter....

Dear Mother-in-Law (AKA, "Shrub Shitter"),

Although we all appreciate your kindness in buying my children very nice presents for Christmas, you really could've held off on the sand art kit. See, trying to get a three-year-old and a five-year-old to dump colored sand out of tiny little baggies and into tiny little bottles using a tiny little funnel is no easy task. I must say that Grace loves it and she does pretty well with it. Hannah, on the other hand, is another story. See, she sees nothing wrong with recreating a sandbox on our table. Frankly, fine, hot pink grains of sand is not something I want all over my house.

So um, next time, when I tell you before a gift-giving occasion NOT to buy anything involving sand or hundreds of small beads, could you, um listen? For the love of god, I would've preferred the beads.



Anonymous said...


Laughing with, not at, of course. And I just have to add that you're a much cooler mother than I am, because I never would have let anyone even open the box.

Allison said...

LOL September! Well, there were many factors involved in my decision to let them try it. See, our sunroom (hopefully on its way to being a real dining room in the next month or two) still has concrete floors and an old table in there from Christmas day. That's the ONLY place I let them play with it. Still a pain in the ass, but at least not in any of the "nice" rooms of the house.

Also, the entire house is still a complete flippin' disaster from Christmas, so really, in the grand scheme of things, some sand is minor in comparison. [sigh] I'm hoping to get them to finish the entire kit today so at least then they're done and those stupid little baggies will be empty and gone from my home. LOL!

Unknown said...

Recommend that she keep it at HER house for a wonderfully fun and creative activity whenever they are over there visiting!! LMAO!

Amber said...

Yeah, I tell then they can keep that stuff at their house.
