Monday, October 16, 2006

And apparently, I need a son too...

Or maybe a husband that's a trucker. Because I walkie-talkied Steve today and said, "Foxy Lady to Sniper. Come in, Sniper." LMFAO! Oy. We're so gay. LOL!

(More blogging later. Steve had the shittiest day of work ever and he's sending me for a case of beer. LOL!)


Kim said...

You two are so funny!

Anonymous said...

Hope today is better a day.

Kimmykay said...

That is so something Jeff and I would do! LOL. Poor Jeff is living with my Aunt and Uncle who are ultra conservative... ie NO ALCOHOL, IT"S OF THE DEVIL... kind of people. He said it wouldn't be too bad but to be living in a place that actually sells alcohol (unlike our dry county here) it is killing him. LOL. Hope Steve if faring better.

Trisha said...

Hey, how about and update? I need something to read while I'm busy ignoring my kids!! Who cares if you're busy, we need entertainment!

(If, you know, you can find the time, that is. Please.)