Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Future Fashion Designer?

Aug 28 2007 002_edit, originally uploaded by alien0103.

So here's Hannah wearing a typical "Hannah outfit." She decided this morning that she wanted to wear that red dress. But she didn't want it to be a dress -- she wanted it to be a skirt. No problem. She just took the top down and had me clip the dress at her waist using a typical office binder clip. LOL!

Then she put on the pink Hawaiian shirt so she could match the identical one on her doll. (They were Grace and Hannah's shirts 3 years ago when they were younger.) Throw on a pair of Crocs and a bracelet worn as an anklet and we're in business. Sweet.


Chelle Y. said...

Such talent! Must take after her mom! :)

Susan's 365 said...

Hey, she would look adorable in anything.

Tiffany said...

She is adorable, and can dress me anyday ;)