Monday, January 02, 2006

Highlights of the Day (Monday 1.2.2006)

1. Woke up feeling like total crap. Sore throat, achy, head all stuffed up. Great. And I had just been bragging to Steve how I hadn't caught any colds this year. Serves me right...

2. Freaked out at Grace within an hour of being awake. I HATE when she just totally ignores me when I tell her not to do something. Drives me freakin' crazy.

3. Decided that we all had to get out of the house or risk killing each other.

4. Took them to the grocery store without much incident, other than Hannah crying when the lady at the bakery gave her a free cookie that was purple instead of pink. (Pink would've matched her dress.)

5. Next stop was Blockbuster. Again, without incident other than trying to explain to Grace that no, she couldn't rent King Kong because... 1) it's not a kid's movie and 2) it's not out on video.

6. Went next door to Big Lots where we managed to get out of there without buying anything. I don't think that's ever happened before.

7. Grabbed Burger King on the way home. Oink.

8. Came home, popped in a movie, gave them their food, and enjoyed 10 minutes (tops) of peace and quiet.

9. Put Hannah down for her nap and tried desperately to doze off while Grace watched TV.

10. Couldn't because she kept waking me up and asking for things. Damn needy kid. (Joking, people. Joking...)

11. Made crockpot lasagna that actually ended up being pretty good. But I seriously cannot wait for a kitchen...

12. Decided to give the girls a bath early just so they'd have something to do and so I could get it over with.

13. Went upstairs and discovered that Salinger is, once again, constipated and had puked all over Steve's bed.

14. Frantically stripped the bed and threw the quilt in the washing machine, giving the girls strict orders not to tell Daddy or he'd kick the cat's ass (I didn't use those exact words).

15. Gave the girls a bath and (again) freaked out at them when they were acting completely out of control and doing dangerous things. I seriously lost it.

16. Managed to calm all of us down and get them in their PJs and downstairs, where they (sort of) ate supper.

17. Kept checking the clock (and the washing machine) praying I'd get everything washed, dried, and back on the bed before Steve got home.

18. Steve got home from work.

19. Cringed when the first words out of Grace's mouth were, "Hey Daddy. Salinger threw up and pooped on your bed." Son of a bitch!

20. Convinced Steve that there was indeed no poop involved (just puke).

21. Was surprised when he remained calm, but we really do think this may be close to the end for the cat. :(

22. Tried to keep the girls out of the kitchen while Steve put the third coat of paint on the ceiling. Why a third coat, you ask? Good fucking question. Ask Mr. Anal Retentive Boy.

23. Failed to keep the girls out of the kitchen. Yelled. Again. [sigh]

24. Cracked a beer, despite feeling like shit, because I really had reached the end of my rope.

25. Found out they're calling for an ice and snow storm tomorrow and that Grace, will indeed, probably be home again tomorrow. God... help... me... (or them, depending on how you look at it).

26. Followed Salinger around obsessively the rest of the night, making sure he wasn't shitting on anything. I really can't mentally do this anymore. Cats aren't supposed to be this stressful...

27. Kept one eye on the clock at all times tonight, counting the seconds until bedtime and therefore, some silence. Silence really is golden.

28. Finally penned Salinger in the upstairs spare room by fashioning a barrier using an old mattress, a huge Sterlite tub, and a baby gate.

29. Breathed a sigh of relief when all other bodies in the house were fast asleep, allowing me to sit in complete silence, reading my usual blogs, and sipping a beer. Ahhhh....


EE said...

Honestly Alien, you and I had *very* similar days. I would *cry* if Calista couldn't go to school tomorrow. I'm hanging onto my sanity by a veeeeeeeery thin thread. *sigh*

And you know how much I love animals, but my cats are THE least maintenance of ANY of them, even the fish involved more maintenance. You have gone above and beyond for that cat. :(

Kim said...

I'm LOL at #19 because Kyra does the same thing with Richard. She CANNOT keep a secret from him for the life of her! BUT, she can keep a secret from me with no problem at all! LOL!

mamatulip said...

Ugh, what a day.

Bottoms up.

Allison said...

LOL Janet. It won't be. But I appreciate the optimistic thought. LMAO!

Allison said...

Um, uh, we've been doing that for about a week now. LMAO! No, I just think we're all tired of being here, playing the same games, watching the same movies, etc. Grace LOVES school, so she's really anxious to go back. We'll manage. I'm just running out of creative things to do with them and boredom is a bad, bad thing. Especially when combined with a child's high energy levels. LMAO!

Mary said...

So I still don't officially have a daycare for the kids yet, but I'm damn excited about getting back to school for me :)

I've had many days like you had today, good to bad in .05 seconds. I hate yelling at the kids, but Jake is so good at doing exactly the oppisit of what I tell him to do, then look right in to my eyes. Ugh.

Jen said...

Boy, reading about everyone's kids has me contemplating having some, just because I'm so freakin' bored. I wouldn't seriously do that, though- wrong reason and I just don't really want any at the moment. Still, sometimes I would welcome the activity and it would sure liven things up around here.

...must be time for me to get another dog...

Tink said...

Oomph. Just reading about that made my face flush. You are amazing. I am bowing down at your feet.

Emily said...

Good you managed to wait until evening before cracking a beer is beyond me...I woulda started drinking before lunch.

Some days 2 kids seam like 20(and 4 kids feel like

Glad you survived :)

Mrs. G.F. said...

LOL and ((hugs))

I love hearing about other Mommies days, I feel like I am almost sane, and not alone. Sorry to be almost happy to read your misery...well, misery does love company. ;)

I love cats, don't have one now, I am currently a dog owner, but too much work for poor Salinger. I am assuming he/she is an old cat? Good luck with that decision.

Glad that day is done for you now, did they have school today?

mamatulip said...

BTW dude, how's your toe?

Allison said...

Hey Katherine. The toe is good to go. (Either that, or I'm so damn achy from my other illnesses that I don't notice it anymore. LOL!)

Thanks for asking!

Allison said...

Tink - I am sooo not "amazing". Trust me on this one. LOL! It was a day like most mothers (any woman really) has had to deal with at some point. And an "amazing" person wouldn't have gone all Linda Blair on her kids several times throughout the day. LMAO!

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