The title has nothing what-so-ever to do with this post, but “Hook” by Blues Traveler happens to be streaming on my computer, so we’re rolling with it. See how creative I am? I deserve some sort of award or something. For real. If any of you have a creativity award out there to give me, I think I deserve it. I mean, seriously, when was the last time you saw such a creative blog post title? <--- Total sarcasm here people.
So what’s everyone up to? <--- This is another hint I don’t have much to talk about. When I start asking my readers “what’s up” as if they’re sitting in the same room as me, ready to answer, it means I’m just wasting time and filling up some space with meaningless words. Not that I don’t care what’s up in your lives. I just don’t think anyone will actually bother to comment here just to tell me what’s up.
I’m actually almost ready to fall asleep, surprisingly enough (12:12 AM is early for me in terms of a bedtime), so this won’t be long (or so I say now…).
Thanks to everyone who took my poll. I have to say, I’m a bit surprised by the results. I didn’t expect it to be so close, because frankly, I thought Obama would “win” here. What the hell are conservatives doing here reading this blog? I mean, I’m actually a registered Republican, was in the Young Republicans Club in college, was on Governor Ridge’s campaign committee and attended his inaugural ball, etc. But the truth is, that I’m always pretty much smack dab in the middle. There are certain issues where I lean to the right (I know… I know… shocking.), and certain issues where I lean to the left. I posted the poll because I, honest to god, have no clue who I’m voting for yet. I tend to sway back and forth, and will probably walk into the voting booth, close the curtain, and then decide who I’m voting for (just like the last 2 presidential elections). So the poll was partly because I can still be swayed either way, but mostly because I’m curious. I posted the same poll on some internet boards I post on, and honestly, on all of them, the results are pretty close between Obama and McCain. I’m not really sure why this surprises me. It just does.
But moving on…
I know I said it the other day, but I swear that this weekend, I’m going to post about all of the cool applications, Firefox extensions, etc. that I’ve installed that I’m pretty sure have me bordering being called a total computer geek. But they DO make my life on the computer easier and faster, so I guess I’ll wear my “Geek” badge with pride. :D
And with that, I’m out of here. I just wanted to swing by and say hello. I’ll post a few photos for you from last week’s pumpkin patch trips. You know… because I’m sure that’s why you came here, isn’t it? [rolling eyes]
Hannah and Grandma (my mom) Sharing a Funnel Cake (PLEASE tell me the rest of the country has funnel cakes. Because if you don’t, you have NO idea what you’re missing out on.)

Queens of the Mountain The girls on top of some hay bales at the pumpkin patch. (I am well aware this photo is WAY over-processed and over-worked, but I was bored and avoiding working, so deal with it.)… (And yes, their size difference still amazes and amuses me on a daily basis. They’re only 2 years apart (almost to the day), but you’d swear Grace was a good 3 or 4 years older. Totally cracks me up.)

Not-So-Scary Cheetah (Or leopard? How the hell DO you tell those two cats apart, anyway?) Grace with her face painted at the pumpkin patch.

“See” you tomorrow gang. I’m heading to bed. G’night!