1) Convinced my kids this morning that playing outside in the blazing heat would NOT be fun (contrary to what they believed) and that staying inside in the nice air conditioned house would be a blast.
2) Made my trip to several stores (see previous post) sans rugrats giving me both a feeling of accomplishment (saving so much cash) and pure glee (sniffing all of my new cleaning products).
3) Realized upon arriving home, that I did NOT buy the plug-in oil air freshener and a box of refills like I believed, but FOUR refills with not a thing to plug them into.
4) Went back to the store hours later to buy the plug-in unit I swear I had seen there earlier, but couldn't find it.
5) Bought a Power Puff girls video for Grace instead.
6) Washed every damn dish in this house at 9:30 tonight (in the bathroom sink) so I wouldn't have to see the mountain of crud tomorrow that normally greets me every morning.
7) Decided that Sunday must be "Crack Day" for the girls, because I swear to god, every Sunday evening, they're bouncing off the walls and acting like lunatics for hours until Steve and I reach our breaking point, turn off every light in the house, and force them to sit on the couch and veg out in front of the TV for 15 minutes before we put them to bed.
8) Want to know why I can't partake in "Crack Day" with them? God knows I could use the energy boost.
9) Just realized that maybe my new stinky cleaning products is what's making them act like little

10) Received another 15 "yesses" for the pig roast next weekend. God help me...